Women Leaders Share Experiences and Challenges at a Networking Tea at LUMS
The Chaudhry Nazar Muhammad Department of Economics and the Saida Waheed Gender Initiative at LUMS hosted the 'Women Leaders Networking Tea' at LUMS on Friday, May 17, 2024. The event featured engaging discussions with inspiring women from diverse professional backgrounds, including journalism, education, health, academia, the development sector, and the arts. Ms. Sheema Kermani, Dr. Alia Haider and Ms. Nighat Dad set the tone for the discussion by sharing their experiences, insights, and thoughts on key gender issues. Ms. Sheema Kermani discussed the broader significance of dance and performance arts, public perceptions of her work, and the intrinsic role of the performing arts in political resistance and combating patriarchal repression. Ms. Nighat Dad and Dr. Alia Haider shared their life journeys and how these experiences have shaped their current positions and motivated their efforts towards marginalised communities. Each participant talked about their personal stories, the challenges they faced in male-dominated fields, and the strategies they employed to carve out their own spaces in their professions.
The event created a vibrant and inclusive space where the achievements of women were celebrated, challenges were acknowledged, and a collective commitment to gender equality was reinforced. By bringing together diverse voices, experiences, and perspectives, we aspire to continue inspiring meaningful actions and create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.